Bios & Home Pages of
Famous Scientists
ANDERSON is a Nobel laureate physicist at Princeton and one
of the leading theorists on superconductivity. He is the author
A Career in Theoretical Physics, and
Economy as a Complex Evolving System. Beyond Edge:
Philip W. Anderson Home Page
He is author of numerous articles in scientific
journals on the subject of autism, and has written several books
Mindblindness; and
The Essential Difference: The Truth about the Male and Female
Brain. He is also author of a DVD-RoM
entitled Mind Reading:
the interactive guide to human emotions.
The Autism Research Centre (ARC) at Cambridge
He is the author of
The World Within the World,
Pi in the Sky,
Theories of Everything,
The Origin of the Universe (Science Masters Series),
The Left Hand of Creation,
The Artful Universe,
Impossibility: The Limits of
Science and the Science of Limits;
Between Inner Space and Outer
The Constants of Nature: From
Alpha to Omega—the Numbers That Encode the Deepest Secrets of
the Universe:and
The Constants of Nature: From
Alpha to Omega.
Beyond Edge:
John Barrow's Cambidge Homepage
BERING - Jesse
Bering's Home Page
Susan Blackmore's home page
The Meme Machine,
and Consciousness: An Introduction.
Ned Block's Home Page
Paul Bloom Home Page
Bloom is the author of
How Children Learn the Meanings
of Words, which won the Eleanor
Maccoby Award from APA for Best New Book in Developmental
Psychology, and, most recently,
Descartes' Baby: How the Science
of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human.
DAVID M. BUSS - David Buss' Home Page
He is s Professor of Psychology at the University of
Texas at Austin where he teaches courses in evolutionary
psychology and the psychology of human mating. He is the author
of The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy is as Necessary as
Love and Sex; The Evolution Of Desire: Strategies Of
Human Mating; and Evolutionary Psychology: The New
Science Of The Mind.
William Calvin's Home Page;
William Calvin: Books, Articles, Talks
He is a neurobiologist at
the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the author of a
dozen books, mostly for general readers, about brains and
evolution including The Throwing Madonna,
The Cerebral Symphony,
The River That Runs Uphill,
The Cerebral Code,
Conversations with Neil's Brain (with
George Ojemann), and
How Brains Think.
His book with Derek Bickerton,
Lingua ex Machina: Reconciling
Darwin and Chomsky with the Human Brainwith,
is about syntax. The latest,
A Brain for All Seasons: Human
Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change,
about paleoanthropology, paleoclimate, and considerations from
neurobiology and evolutionary biology. It won the 2002 Phi Beta
Kappa book award for science. The latest is
A Brief History of the Mind: From Apes to Intellect and Beyond
about the mind’s big bang.
Further reading:
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Beyond Edge:
Leo Chalupa's home page
Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi Home Page;
His research and theories in the
psychology of optimal experience have revolutionized psychology,
and have been adopted in practice by national leaders such as
Bill Clinton and Tony Blair as well as top members of the global
executive elite who run the world's major corporations.
Csikzentmihalyi is the author of several popular books about his
theories, the bestselling
Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience;
The Evolving Self: A Psychology For The Third Millennium;
Flow; and
Good Business: Leadership, Flow and the Making of Meaning.
The Wall Street Journal has llisted Flow among the
six books "every well-stocked business library should have."
PAUL DAVIES is an internationally
acclaimed physicist, writer and broadcaster, who holds the
position of Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Australian
Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University, Sydney. He has held previous
academic appointments at the Universities of Cambridge, London,
Newcastle upon Tyne and Adelaide. His research interests are in
the fields of cosmology, quantum field theory, and astrobiology.
He is the author of over twenty books, including The Mind of
God, Other Worlds, God and the New Physics, The Edge of
Infinity, The Cosmic Blueprint, Are We Alone? The Fifth
Miracle, The Last Three Minutes, About Time, and How to
Build a Time Machine.
Davies’s talent as a communicator
of science has been recognized in Australia by an Advance
Australia Award and two Eureka Prizes, and in the UK by the 2001
Kelvin Medal and Prize by the Institute of Physics, and the 2002 Faraday Prize by The Royal Society. For his contributions
to the deeper implications of science, Davies received the
Templeton Prize in 1995.
Further reading:
"The Synthetic Path" in The Third Culture
Time Loops": A Talk with Paul Davies
"It rapidly became clear to me that the most imaginative way of
looking at evolution, and the most inspiring way of teaching it,
was to say that it's all about the genes. It's the genes that,
for their own good, are manipulating the bodies they ride about
in. The individual organism is a survival machine for its
Richard Dawkins, elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in
May, 2001, is a gifted writer, who is known for his
popularization of Darwinian ideas as well as for original
thinking on evolutionary theory. He has invented telling
metaphors that illuminate the Darwinian debate: His book The
Selfish Gene argues that genes-molecules of DNA-are the
fundamental units of natural selection, the "replicators."
Organisms, including ourselves, are "vehicles," the packaging
for "replicators." The success or failure of replicators is
based on their ability to build successful vehicles. There is a
complementarity in the relationship: vehicles propagate their
replicators, not themselves; replicators make vehicles. In
The Extended Phenotype, he goes beyond the body to the
family, the social group, the architecture, the environment that
animals create, and sees these as part of the phenotype-the
embodiment of the genes. He also takes a Darwinian view of
culture, exemplified in his invention of the "meme," the unit of
cultural inheritance; memes are essentially ideas, and they,
too, are operated on by natural selection.Richard Dawkins is an
evolutionary biologist and the Charles Simonyi Professor For The
Understanding Of Science at Oxford University; Fellow of New
College; author of
The Selfish Gene,
The Extended Phenotype,
The Blind Watchmaker,
River out of Eden (ScienceMasters Series),
Climbing Mount Improbable,
Unweaving the Rainbow,
The Devil's Chaplain, and
The Ancestor's Tale.In his role
as the Charles Simonyi Professor For The Understanding Of
Science at Oxford University, Dawkins regularly talks to the
public regarding his views on the wonders of science. On
November 12th, 1996, he delievered the Richard Dimbleby Lecture
on BBC1 Television in England, entitled "Science, Delusion and
the Appetite for Wonder." (See below).Further reading:
"Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder: A Talk by
Richard Dawkins;
"A Survival Machine" in The Third Culture
The World of Richard DawkinsThe Unofficial Richard Dawkins
Website with links to articles, papers and reviews (by John
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STANISLAS DEHAENE -He is a researcher at the Institut
National de la Santé, studies cognitive neuropsychology of
language and number processing in the human brain; author of
The Number Sense: How
Mathematical Knowledge Is Embedded In Our Brains.
Further reading:
"What Are Numbers, Really? A Cerebral Basis For Number Sense"
Associate Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at Albert
Einstein College of Medicine and Chief of the Yarmon
Neurobehavior and Alzheimer's Disease Center, Beth Israel Medical Center in New
York City. He is a member of the World Federation of Neurology
Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders and on the
Editorial Board of the journal Neurocase. In addition to his numerous
scientific publications, he is co-editor of the textbook
Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology and author of
Altered Egos: How the Brain Creates the Self.
DENIS DUTTON, a philosopher, is founder and
editor of the highly regarded Web publication, Arts & Letters
Daily ( He teaches the philosophy of
art at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, writes widely
on aesthetics. and is editor of the journal Philosophy and
Literature. Check out:
Arts & Letters Daily
Daniel C. Dennett's Home Page
He is a philosopher and is perhaps best known in cognitive
science for his concept of intentional systems, and his multiple
drafts (or “fame in the brain”) model of human consciousness,
which sketches a computational architecture for realizing the
stream of consciousness (the “Joycean machine”) in the massively
parallel cerebral cortex.
His uncompromising computationalism has been opposed by
philosophers such as John Searle and Jerry Fodor who maintain
that the most important aspects of consciousness —
intentionality and subjective quality — can never be computed.
He is the philosopher of choice of the AI community.
He is also a major contributor to the understanding of the
conceptual foundations of evolutionary biology. In Darwin’s
Dangerous Idea, he argued that the “universal acid” of
evolutionary explanation extends well beyond biology to
re-conceptualize culture and science itself, and exposed some of
the internal conflicts and misconstruals in the contrary claims
of Stephen Jay Gould. Daniel C. Dennett is University Professor,
Professor of Philosophy, and Co-Director of the Center for
Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. He is the author of
Content and Consciousness; Brainstorms; Elbow Room; The
Intentional Stance; Consciousness Explained; Darwin's Dangerous
Idea; Kinds of Minds; Brainchildren; Freedom Evolves; and
Sweet Dreams. He co-edited The Mind's I with
Douglas Hofstadter and he is the author of over three hundred
scholarly articles on various aspects on the mind, published in
journals ranging from "Artificial Intelligence" and "Behavioral
and Brain Sciences" to "Poetics Today" and the" Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism".
Further reading:
"Show Me the Science" ,
"The Computational Perspective" ,
"The Evolution of Culture"
"Dennett's Deal" &
"Intuition Pumps" in The Third Culture.
check out:
Center for Cognitive Studies
Daniel C. Dennett Bibliography
Curriculum Vitae
KEITH DEVLIN, mathematician, is a Senior Researcher at Stanford
University, and Executive Director of Stanford University's
Center for the Study of Language and Information. He is the
author of
Goodbye, Descartes : The End of Logic and the Search for a New
Cosmology of the Mind;
Life by the Numbers;
The Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible;
The Math Gene and
The Millennium Problems.
"I've set myself the modest task of trying to explain the broad
pattern of human history, on all the continents, for the last
13,000 years. Why did history take such different evolutionary
courses for peoples of different continents? This problem has
fascinated me for a long time, but it's now ripe for a new
synthesis because of recent advances in many fields seemingly
remote from history, including molecular biology, plant and
animal genetics and biogeography, archaeology, and linguistics."
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ESTHER DYSON is editor of the computer-industry
newsletter, Release 1.0, a CNET Networks publication, author of
the book,
Release 2.1: A Design for
Living in the Digital Age, and a
trustee of the Long Now Foundation. Her PC Forum conference is
an annual industry event. Check out:
Release 1.0
Esther Dyson on ICANN
FREEMAN DYSON is professor of
physics at the Institute for Advanced Study, in Princeton. His professional interests are in mathematics and astronomy. Among his
many books are Disturbing the Universe, Infinite in All
Origins of Life,
From Eros to Gaia,
Imagined Worlds, and
The Sun, the Genome, and the Internet.
Further reading:
"Progress in Religion: A Talk by Freeman Dyson"
JARED DIAMOND is Professor of
Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles. Until recently he
was Professor of Physiology at the UCLA School of Medicine. He
is the author of the recently published Collapse: How
Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, and the Pulitzer
Prize-winning author of the widely acclaimed Guns, Germs, and
Steel: the Fates of Human SocietiesThe
Third Chimpanzee, which won The Los Angeles Times
Book award for the best science book of 1992 and Britain's 1992
Rhone-Poulenc Science Book Prize; and Why is Sex Fun? (ScienceMasters
Series).Dr. Diamond is the recipient of a MacArthur
Foundation Fellowship ("Genius Award"); research prizes of the
American Physiological Society, National Geographic Society, and
Zoological Society of San Diego; and many teaching awards and
endowed public lectureships. In addition, he has been elected a
member of all three of the leading national scientific/academic
honorary societies (National Academy of Sciences, American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Philosophical Society). His field experience includes 17
expeditions to New Guinea and neighboring islands, to study
ecology and evolution of birds; rediscovery of New Guinea's
long-lost golden fronted bowerbird; other field projects in North
America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. As a
conservationist he devised a comprehensive plan, almost all of
which was subsequently implemented, for Indonesian New Guinea's
national park system; numerous field projects for the Indonesian
government and World Wildlife Fund; founding member of the board
of the Society of Conservation Biology; member of the Board of
Directors of World Wildlife Fund/USA. Further reading:
"Why Did Human History Unfold Differently On Different
Continents For The Last 13,000 Years?"
"Jared Diamond Awarded Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction"
"Laying A Foundation For Human History" Bill Gates on Jared
Diamond [4.15.98]
"How to Get Rich" [6.7.99]
"Why Do Some Societies Make Disastrous Decisions?" [4.29.03]
Baidarka: The Kayak; Darwin Among the Machines; and
Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship.
Further reading:"Darwin Among the Machines; or, The Origins of Artificial Life"
"CODE - George Dyson & John Brockman: A Dialogue"
"Goldsmith vs. Zimmerman"
Christine Finn's Bradford Home Page
She is an
archaeologist and journalist; Writer-in-Residence and Honoary
Research Fellow in Archaeological Sciences at University of Bradfordd.
She is the author of
Artifacts: An Archaeologist's Year In Silicon Valley; and Past Poetic: archaeology
in the poetry of WB Yeats and Seamus Heaney.
KENNETH W. FORD is the retired director of the American
Institute of Physics. He recently taught high-school physics and
served as science director of the David and Lucile Packard
Foundation. His book,
written with John A. Wheeler, won the 1999 American Institute of
Physics Science Writing Prize..
"If you asked me should people be studying physics, or chemistry
or biology or geology in high school, I would say it doesn't
make the slightest bit of difference. They should study some
topics, of course, but the choice is wide open ó I'm interested
in depth, not breadth. I'm not talking about college education;
I'm just taking on K to 12. What I want when kids get through a
K to 12 education is for them to have a sense of what their
society thinks is true, beautiful and good; false, ugly and
evil; how to think about it and how to act on the basis of your
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Howard Gardner's Home Page
His numerous books include ; Extraordinary Minds:
Portraits of Four Exceptional Individuals; and
Changing Minds: The Art and
Science of Changing our Own And other People's Minds.
Further reading on Edge:
"Truth, Beauty, and Goodness: Education for All Human Beings"
DAVID GELERNTER - "A community is not a community of disembodied spoken
statements, in part because the most important aspect of the
communication that people have is emotional, and one often
communicates emotion not in terms of the text but as a subtext.
The physical body is not irrelevant to a human community. The
emotional subtext of human communication is crucial to human
thought. It isn't a footnote. Too many computer scientists don't
understand this."
He is a professor of
computer science at Yale and chief scientist at Mirror Worlds
Technologies (New Haven. He is the author of
Mirror Worlds,
The Muse in the Machine,
1939: The Lost World of the Fair, and
Drawiing a Life: Surviving the Unabomber..
Further reading:
"The Conservative — David Gelernter"
in Digerati;
"The Second Coming — A Manifesto
Neil Gershenfeld's Home Page
Modern Art and rural Indian villages, the White House/Smithsonian Millennium
celebration and automobile safety systems,
Las Vegas shows and Sami reindeer
He is the author of numerous technical publications, patents,
and the best-selling books When Things Start To Think,
The Nature of Mathematical Modeling, and The
Physics of Information Technology, and has been featured in
media such as The New York Times, The Economist, CNN, and the
PERSONAL FABRICATION: A Talk with Neil Gershenfeld
Steve Giddings Home Page
He is a theoretical physicist and adventurer residing in Santa
Barbara is Professor, Department of Physics, University of
California, Santa Barbara.
His fields of focus include elementary particle theory and
string theory, black holes, and cosmology. His outdoor pursuits
include rock, ice, and mountain climbing, backcountry skiing,
and whitewater kayaking.
Gilbert Lab Homepage
He is Professor of
Psychology at Harvard University and Director of the Social
Cognition and Emotion Lab. He is generally considered the
world's foremost authority in the fields of affective
forecasting and the fundamental attribution error.
He has published numerous
scientific articles and chapters, several short works of
fiction, and is the editor of The Handbook of Social
Psychology. He has been been awarded the Distinguished
Scientific Award for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology
by the American Psychological Association, fellowships from
both the Guggenheim Foundation and the American Philosophical
Society, and has been a Fellow at the Center for Advanced
Research in the Behavioral Sciences.
In 2002, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
listed Gilbert as one of the fifty most influential social
psychologists of the decade, and in 2003 one of his research
papers was chosen by the editors of Psychological Inquiry as
one of four "modern classics" in social psychology.
Rebecca Goldstein's Home Page
She is a
philosopher and novelist, who has taught at Barnard, Rutgers, and Columbia. Currently she is
Professor of Philosophy at Trinity College.
Mind-Body Problem, The Late-Summer Passion of a Woman of Mind,
The Dark Sister, Mazel, andd Properties of Light—and
a collection of stories—Strange Attractors. Her most
recent book is Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt
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The Faith
That Dare Not Speak Its Name
by Jerry Coyne
In the end, many Americans may
still reject evolution, finding the creationist alternative
psychologically more comfortable. But emotion should be
distinguished from thought, and a "comfort level" should not
affect what is taught in the science classroom. As Judge Overton
wrote in his magisterial decision striking down Arkansas Act
590, which mandated equal classroom time for "scientific
The application and content of
First Amendment principles are not determined by public opinion
polls or by a majority vote. Whether the proponents of Act 590
constitute the majority or the minority is quite irrelevant
under a constitutional system of government. No group, no matter
how large or small, may use the organs of government, of which
the public schools are the most conspicuous and influential, to
foist its religious beliefs on others.
Alison Gopnik Bio Page;
She is a professor of
psychology at the University of California at Berkeley. She is an
international leader in the field of children’s learning and was
one of the first cognitive scientists to show how developmental
psychology could help solve ancient philosophical problems. She
is the coauthor (with Andrew Meltzoff) of
Words, Thoughts, and Theories, and (with Patricia Kuhl
and Andrew Meltzoff) of
The Scientist in the Crib: Minds, Brains, and How Children
Alison Gopnik Memory Lecture.
Jonathan Haidt's Home Page;
He is Associate Professor in the
Social Psychology area of the Department of Psychology at the
University of Virginia, where he does research on morality and
emotion, and how they vary across cultures.
The Haidt Lab Group
He is a theoretical physicist, is the Chair, Davidson
Institute of Science Education, and Former President, from 1988
to 2001, of the Weizmann Institute of Science.
During his years as President of the Institute, it entered
numerous new scientific fields and projects, built 47 new
buildings, raised one Billion Dollars in philanthropic money,
hired more than half of its current tenured Professors and
became one of the highest royalty-earning academic organizations
in the world.
Throughout all his adult life, he has made major contributions
to three different fields: Particle Physics Research on the
international scene, Science Education in the Israeli school
system and Science Administration and Policy Making.
The Davidson Institute for
Science Education
Re: The Davidson Institute
She is the author
of The Nurture Assumption. A former writer of college
textbooks, Harris is a recipient of the George A. Miller Award,
given to the
author of an outstanding article in psychology. She is an
independent scholar and theoretician whose interests include
evolutionary psychology, social psychology, developmental
psychology, and behavioral genetics.
Further reading:
"Children Don't Do Things Half Way". A Talk with Judith Rich
Judith Rich Harris Comments on Frank J. Sulloway's Talk "How is
Personality Formed?"
The Nurture Assumption Web Site
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Sam Harris' Home Page
he is the author of
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason.
He is a graduate in philosophy from Stanford University and has
studied both Eastern and Western religious traditions, along
with a variety of spiritual disciplines, for twenty years. Mr.
Harris is now completing a doctorate in neuroscience, studying
the neural basis of belief, disbelief, and uncertainty with
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). His work has been
discussed in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The San
Francisco Chronicle, The Chicago Tribune, The Economist, The
Guardian, The Independent, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star,
and many other journals. Mr. Harris makes regular appearances on
television and radio. The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN
Award for Nonfiction.
Marti Hearst's Home Page
IBM Faculty Award, an Okawa Foundation Fellowship, and two student-initiated
Excellence in Teaching awards. He is an associate professor in SIMS, the School of Information Management and
Systems at UC Berkeley, with an affiliate appointment in the
Computer Science Division.
Her primary research interests are user interfaces and
visualization for information retrieval, empirical computational
linguistics, and text data mining. She received BA, MS, and PhD
degrees in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley, and she was a Member
of the Research Staff at Xerox PARC from 1994 to 1997.
Prof. Hearst is on the
editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Information Systems and
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction and was formerly
on the boards of Computational Linguistics and IEEE Intelligent
Systems, and was the program co-chair of HLT-NAACL '03 and SIGIR
'99. She has received an NSF CAREER award.
W. DANIEL (Danny)
HILLIS is Chairman and Chief Technology Officer of Applied
Minds, Inc., a research and development company creating a range
of new products and services in software, entertainment,
electronics, biotechnology and mechanical design. The company
also provides advanced technology, creative design and
consulting services to a variety of clients.
Previously, Hillis was Vice President, Research and Development
at Walt Disney Imagineering, and a Disney Fellow. He developed
new technologies and business strategies for Disney's theme
parks, television, motion pictures, Internet and consumer
products businesses. He also designed new theme park rides, a
full sized walking robot dinosaur and various micro mechanical
devices. Danny Hillis is an inventor, scientist, author, and
engineer. He pioneered the concept of parallel computers that is
now the basis for most supercomputers, as well as the RAID disk
array technology used to store large databases. He holds over 40
U.S. patents, covering parallel computers, disk arrays, forgery
prevention methods, and various electronic and mechanical
devices. Danny Hillis is also the designer of a 10,000-year
mechanical clock.
As a student at MIT, Hillis began to study the physical
limitations of computation and the possibility of building
highly parallel computers. This work culminated in 1985 with the
design of a massively parallel computer with 64,000 processors.
He named it the Connection Machine, and it became the topic of
his Ph.D. He received his doctorate degree in computer science
from MIT in 1988. Later he was appointed adjunct professor at
the MIT Media Lab.
In 1983, while he was finishing up his degree at MIT Hillis
co-founded Thinking Machines Corp. to produce and market the
Connection Machine. The company's customers included American
Express, Dow Jones, Schlumberger, Stanford University, Harvard
University, the University of Tokyo, the Los Alamos National
Laboratory and NASA. He continued to lead Thinking Machines'
technical team until 1995 when he left to start a small
consulting company, DHSH. One of DHSH's clients was The Walt
Disney Company, and in 1996 Hillis joined Disney full time in
the newly created role of Disney Fellow.
Thinking Machines Corp. was the leading innovator in massive
parallel supercomputers and RAID disk arrays. In addition to
conceiving and designing the company's major products, Hillis
worked closely with his customers in applying parallel computers
to problems in astrophysics, aircraft design, financial
analysis, genetics, computer graphics, medical imaging, image
understanding, neurobiology, materials science, cryptography and
subatomic physics. At Thinking Machines, he built a technical
team comprised of scientists and engineers that were widely
acknowledged to have been among the best in the industry.
Dr. Hillis has published scientific papers in journals such as
Science, Nature, Modern Biology, Communications of the
ACM and International Journal of Theoretical Physics and
he is an editor of several other scientific journals, including
Artificial Life, Complexity, Complex Systems, Future
Generation Computer Systems and Applied Mathematics.
He has also written extensively on technology and its
implications for publications such as Newsweek, Wired, Forbes
ASAP and Scientific American. He recently published
his second book, ,The
Pattern On The Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work (ScienceMasters Series), in
which he explains the basic ideas that make computers work.
Dr. Hillis has worked as a consultant to many companies
developing technology-related business strategies, including
AT&T, Xerox, Kodak, Schlumberger, IBM and Hewlett-Packard, as
well as smaller companies such as Screaming Media, Ejemoni,
Alexa Internet, and Direct Medical Knowledge. He has served on
numerous company boards, and was named as part of Upside
Magazine's "Dream Team" board of directors. He is also an
adviser to the U.S. government, and serves on the Presidential
Information Technology Advisory Committee.
Hillis is co-chairman of
The Long Now Foundation,
a member of the Science Board of the Santa Fe Institute, the
SETI Institute's Technical Advisory Committee, the Advisory
Board of Yale's Institute for Biospheric Studies, the National
Academy of Engineering, and the board of the Hertz Foundation.
Dr. Hillis is the recipient of numerous awards, including the
Spirit of American Creativity Award for his inventions, the
Hopper Award for his contributions to computer science and the
Ramanujan Award for his work in applied mathematics. He is a
Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery, a Fellow of
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Fellow in the
International Leadership Forum.
Besides his professional interests, Hillis is also an
enthusiastic student carpenter, skier, hiker, tennis player,
scuba diver, surveyor, geologist, perfume-maker and helicopter
pilot. He is not particularly skilled at any of these, but he
has fun. He and his wife Pati home school their three children,
Asa, Noah, and India in Los Angeles, California.
Further reading:
"How We Will Learn"
"The Mountain and the Clock By Stewart Brand
"Danny Hillis Wind $1,000,000 Dan David Prize"
"How Democracy Works (Or Why Perfect Elections Should All End In
"Special Relativity: Why Can't You Go Faster Than Light?"
"The Clock of The Long Now" A Talk With Stewart Brand
Close to the Singularity" in
The Third Culture
(Chapter 23)
"The Genius" in
(Chapter 13)
Essays by Danny Hillis
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Donald Hoffman's Home Page
He is a Professor of
Cognitive Science, University of California, Irvine and author of Visual
Intelligence: How We Create What We See and coauthor of
Observer Mechanic: A Formal Theory Of Perception.
He received the Troland Research Prize of the US National
Academy of Sciences and the Early Career Award of the American
Psychological Association.
John Horgan's Home Page
He is a science writer,
oversees the science writings program at the Stevens Institute
of Technology. He was a senior writer at Scientific American
from 1986 to 1997. He has also written for the New York
Times, Washington
Post, New Republic, Slate, London Times,
Times Literary Supplement
among other publications.
"My claim is that science is a
bounded enterprise, limited by social, economic, physical and
cognitive factors. Science is being threatened, literally, in
some cases, by technophobes like the Unabomber, by animal-rights
activists, by creationists and other religious fundamentalists,
by post-modern philosophers and, most important of all, by
stingy politicians. "
He is the author of
The End of Science;The
Undiscovered Mind;and
Rational Mysticism:
Dispatches from the Border Between Science and Spirituality.
Further reading:
"Why I Think Science Is Ending" A Talk With John Horgan;
"The End of Horgan?" &
"In Defense of Common Sense"
She is a emeritus
professor of the Philosophy department of the University of
Calgary, Alberta Canada, where she taught graduate courses on
the Foundations of Mathematics, the Philosophy and Methodology
of the sciences. Before the Vietnam war she was an
associate professor in the Mathematics department of the
University of Illinois. She taught in the Mathematics department at the University of California in Berkeley, and was part of
Tarski's Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science. Her
research, in interface between Algebra and Logic, (Tarski and
Novosibirsk Style) is concerned with undecidability in Group
She is the author or a monograph, Gödel's theorems: a
workbook on formalization, which is based on her experience
of teaching graduate courses and seminars on mathematical
logic, formalization and its limitations to mathematics,
philosophy and interdisciplinary students at the Universities of
Calgary, Zürich and Monash. She lives in Berkeley, California.
Further Reading:
"On The Nature of Mathematical Concepts: Why and How do
Mathematic ians Jump to Conclusions?" by Verena Huber-Dyson
"The Nature of Mathematical Truth II": A Talk with Verena
He is a
Professor at the London School of Economics and Professor of
Psychology at the New School for Social Research is a
theoretical psychologist, internationally known for his work on
the evolution of human intelligence and consciousness. His
interests are wide ranging: He studied mountain gorillas with
Dian Fossey in Rwanda; was the first to demonstrate the
existence of "blindsight" after brain damage in monkeys;
proposed the now celebrated theory of the "social function of
intellect"; and is the only scientist ever to edit the literary
journal Granta.
His books include Consciousness Regained, The Inner
Eye, A History of the Mind, Leaps of Faith,
and The Mind Made Flesh. He has been the recipient of
several honours, including the Martin Luther King Memorial
Prize, and the British Psychological Society‚s book award.
Further Reading::
"The Thick Moment" in The Third Culture &
"What Shall We Tell the Children?" (Amnesty Lecture, Oxford,
21st February 1997)
"Scientific Shakespeare"
Piet Hut's Home Page,
He is a professor of astrophysics at the Institute for
Advanced Study, in Princeton. He is involved in the project of
building GRAPEs, the world's fastest special-purpose computers,
at Tokyo University, and he is also a founding member of the
Kira Institute and of the B612 Foundation.
Kira Institute; &
B612 Foundation
He is a emeritus
professor of biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, is a theoretical
biologist who studies the origin of life and the origins of
molecular organization. He is a MacArthur Fellow and an external
professor at the Santa Fe Institute. Thirty-five years ago, he
developed the Kauffman models, which are random networks
exhibiting a kind of self-organization that he terms "order for
free." Dr. Kauffman was the founding general partner and chief
scientific officer of The Bios Group, a company (acquired in
2003 by NuTech Solutions) that applies the science of complexity
to business management problems. He is the author of The
Origins of Order, Investigations, and At Home in the
Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization.
Further Reading::
Chapter 20:"Order for Free" in The Third Culture;
A Possible Solution For The Problem Of Time In Quantum Cosmology
By Stuart Kauffman and Lee Smolin &
A Talk with Stewart Kauffman
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His is President of Viewpoints Research Institute, Inc., and Senior
Fellow at Hewlett Packard Labs and is best known for the ideas
of personal computing, the intimate laptop computer, and the
inventions of the now ubiquitous overlapping-window interface
and modern object-oriented programming. His deep interests in
children and education were the catalysts for these ideas, and
they continue to be a source of inspiration to him.
One of the founders of the Xerox
Palo Alto Research Center, (PARC) he led one of the several
groups that together developed modern workstations (and the
forerunners of the Macintosh), Smalltalk, the overlapping window
interface, Desktop Publishing, the Ethernet, Laser printing, and
network "client-servers."
Prior to his work at Xerox, Dr.
Kay was a member of the University of Utah ARPA research team that developed 3-D graphics. There he earned a doctorate
(with distinction) in 1969 for the development of the first
graphical object-oriented personal computer. He holds
undergraduate degrees in mathematics and molecular biology from
the University of Colorado. Kay also participated in the original design of the ARPANet, which
later became the Internet.
After Xerox PARC, Kay was Chief
Scientist of Atari, a Fellow of Apple Computer for 12 years, and
then for 5 years Vice President of Research and Development at
The Walt Disney Company. In 2001 he founded Viewpoints Research
Institute, a non-profit organization located in Glendale, CA.,
and in 2002 he joined the Hewlett-Packard Co. as a Senior
Dr. Kay has received numerous
honors, including the ACM Software Systems Award, the ACM
Outstanding Educator Award, the J-D Warnier Prix D'Informatique
and the NEC 2001 C&C Prize. He has been elected a Fellow of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of
Engineering, the Royal Society of Arts, and the Computer Museum
History Center. He is a recipient of the ZeroOne Award from the
University of Berlin, and recently received an
honorary doctorate degree from the Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH). He was inducted into the Utah Information Technology
Association (UITA) as a "Hall of Fame Member, November 2003. He
was awarded the Draper Prize by the National Academy of
Engineering in May 2004 and has recently been given an
appointment as Sr. Scientist with the Division of Information
Technology at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. In June of 2004 He was
accorded the Turing award from the Association for Computing
Machinery; Also in June of 2004 he was declared a Kyoto Prize
Laureate in advanced technology by the Inamori Foundation.
A former professional jazz
guitarist, composer, and theatrical designer, he is now an
amateur classical pipe organist.
Viewpoints Research Institute
Official Kevin Kelly Website;
He has helped launch
Wired magazine in 1993. Wired is a widely available
magazine that reports on the culture of technology. Kelly served
as its Executive Editor until January 1999. He is now
Editor-At-Large for Wired. In 1994 and 1997, during
Kelly's tenure, Wired won the National Magazine Award for
General Excellence (the industry's equivalent of two Oscars).
Previously, Kelly was editor and publisher of the Whole Earth
Review, an small-circulation magazine reporting on
unorthodox technical and cultural news. He is the author of
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social
Systems, and the Economic World;
New Rules for the New Economy;and
Asia Grace.
Kelly's writing has appeared in many national and international
publications such as the New York Times, The Economist, Time,
Harpers, Science, GQ, and Esquire.
Instead of going to college he
went to Asia as a photographer. His photographs have appeared in
Life and other national magazines. He has no college or
university degrees.
He is passionate about:
All Species Inventory; & he is currently involved in:
Bets; &
Asia Grace
STEPHEN M. KOSSLYN - I think, ... there ...
He is a Professor of Psychology at Harvard
University, has published over 200 papers on the nature of
visual mental imagery. He has received numerous honors,
including the National Academy of Sciences Initiatives in
Research Award and the Prix Jean-Louis Signoret, and was elected
to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Society of
Experimental Psychologists. His books include Image and Mind;
Ghosts in the Mind's Machine; Elements of Graph Design; Wet
Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience; Image and Brain: The
Resolution of the Imagery Debate; and Psychology: The
Brain, the Person, the World.
Kosslyn is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association,
the American Psychological Society, and the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, and has served on several
National Research Council committees to advise the government on
new technologies. He is also co-founder of the Journal of
Cognitive Neuroscience.
Kosslyn Laboratory
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The Jaron Lanier Home Page
He is a computer scientist and musician, is a pioneer of
virtual reality, and founder and former CEO of VPL. He is
currently the lead scientist for the National Tele-Immersion
Initiative, and visiting scientist, SGI. Further reading::
Chapter 17, "The Prodigy," in Digerati
The National Tele-Immersion Initiative
He has a doctorate in
philosophy, a masters in image processing, a patent for
interface concepts, a Clio for the first StarTrek movie
and a Davis Medal by the Royal British Photographical Society.
Time magazine selected him as one of the 50 most
influential thinkers of the next decade.
Born 1957 in Germany, he studied
languages and math at a Gymnasium and the music conservatory for
classical piano. In 1976 he left for California, consulted on
synthesizers and vocoders on about 30 records and movies. He
sold his entire machinery to Neil Young in 1982 and over the
next 20 years started several software companies to build
computer graphics tools. Over 20 products from Kai's Power Tools
for Photoshop to Bryce (and many more like Poser, Raydream,
InfiniD, Painter, LivePicture, Convolver) came out of MetaTools
and MetaCreations, the effects being ubiquitous everywhere on CD
covers, MTV videos, the Oscars and the Mars Mission, Issey Myake
clothing or his Absolut Kai ads.
The real success of the software
was in pioneering revolutionary interfaces, deeper concepts of
realtime interaction, and aethetic designs of organic shapes,
rounded edges, soft shadows and layers which are now many years
later standard parts of OSX and XP.
Meta went to Nasdaq in 1995 for
several hundred million in value, but Kai left Santa Barbara for
his next idea: he acquired a 1000-year-old castle on the Rhein
river, dubbed Byteburg, where he and a small team are developing
his next generation software project, code-named "TimeDoubler",
for release later in 2004. He also founded an incubator for
small Startups with space for about 200 people in a second
water-castle near Cologne.
He is still maintaining a "press
embargo" (but its not that hard to find him;)
readers know him as a TED Fellow, DEMO God and Billionaire
Dinner guest.
Krauss Home Page
He is a Ambrose Swasey Professor of Physics and
chairman of the Physics Department of Case Western Reserve
University, is the author of The Fifth Essence,
Fear of Physics,
The Physics of Star Trek,
Beyond Star Trek, &
Atom: A Single Oxygen Atom's Odyssey from the Big Bang to
Life on Earthand Beyond.
Leon M. Lederman Science Information Center
He is the director
emeritus of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, has received
the Wolf Prize in Physics (1982), and the Nobel Prize in Physics
(1988). In 1993 he was awarded the Enrico Fermi Prize by
President Clinton. He is the author of several books, including
(with David Schramm)
From Quarks to the Cosmos : Tools of Discovery, and
(with Dick Teresi)
The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the
The Story of Leon;
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He was the principal developer of the first omni-font
optical character recognition, the first print-to-speech reading
machine for the blind, the first CCD flat-bed scanner, the first
text-to-speech synthesizer, the first music synthesizer capable
of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments,
and the first commercially marketed large vocabulary speech
recognition. Ray has successfully founded, developed, and sold
four AI businesses in OCR, music synthesis, speech recognition,
and reading technology. All of these technologies continue today
as market leaders. Ray Kurzweil received the $500,000
Lemelson-MIT Prize, the world's largest award in invention and
innovation. He also received the 1999 National Medal of
Technology, the nation's highest honor in technology, from
President Clinton in a White House ceremony. He has also
received scores of other national and international awards,
including the 1994 Dickson Prize (Carnegie Mellon University's
top science prize), Engineer of the Year from Design News,
Inventor of the Year from MIT, and the Grace Murray Hopper Award
from the Association for Computing Machinery. He has received
ten honorary Doctorates and honors from three U.S. presidents.
He has received seven national and international film awards.
He is the author of The Age of Intelligent Machines; The Age
of Spiritual Machines, When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence;
The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology;
and coauthor (with Terry Grossman, M.D.) of Fantastic
Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever.
Further reading:
Intelligent Universe" & "The
JANNA LEVIN - Beyond Edge:
Janna Levin's Website
She is a Professor of
Physics and Astronomy at Barnard College of Columbia University.
She received a BA in physics and astronomy with a concentration
in philosophy from Barnard, a PhD from MIT in the Center for
Theoretical Physics, and subsequently worked at the Canadian
Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) and the Center for
Particle Astrophysics (CfPA) at the University of California, Berkeley before moving to
England. There she held an Advanced Fellowship at the University
of Cambridge in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
(DAMTP). Just prior to returning to the states she was awarded a
Fellowship from the National Endowment for Science Technology
and Arts to be a scientist-in-residence at the Ruskin School of
Fine Art and Drawing in
Oxford. She has worked on theories of the Early Universe, Chaos,
and Black Holes. She is the author of How The Universe Got
Its Spots: Diary Of A Finite Time In A Finite Space.
We have to put emotion back into the brain and integrate it with
cognitive systems. We shouldn't study emotion or cognition in
isolation, but should study both as aspects of the mind in its
LeDoux Lab: Center for Neural Science Home Page
He is a neuroscientist and Professor at the Center for
Neural Science, New York University,
seeks a biological rather than psychological understanding of
our emotions. He explores the differences between emotional
memories (implicit--unconscious--memories) processed in pathways
that take information into the amygdala, and memories of emotion
(explicit--conscious--memories) processed at the level of the
hippocampus and neocortex. Joseph LeDoux has written the most
comprehensive examination to date of how systems in the brain
work in response to emotions, particularly fear. Among his
fascinating findings is the work of amygdala structure within
the brain. He is the author of
The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional
Life, &
Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are;
coauthor (with Michael Gazzaniga) of
The Integrated Mind, and editor with W. Hirst of
Mind and Brain: Dialogues in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Further reading:
"Parallel Memories: Putting Emotions Back Into The Brain" — A
Talk With Joseph LeDoux
Seth Lloyd's Home Page
He is a Professor of
Mechanical Engineering at MIT and a principal investigator at
the Research Laboratory of Electronics. He is also adjunct
assistant professor at the Santa Fe Institute. He works on
problems having to do with information and complex systems from
the very small—how do atoms process information, how can you
make them compute, to the very large — how does society process
information? And how can we understand society in terms of its
ability to process information?
His seminal work in the fields of
quantum computation and quantum communications — including
proposing the first technologically feasible design for a
quantum computer, demonstrating the viability of quantum analog
computation, proving quantum analogs of Shannon's noisy channel
theorem, and designing novel methods for quantum error
correction and noise reduction — has gained him a reputation as
an innovator and leader in the field of quantum computing. Lloyd
has been featured widely in the mainstream media including the
front page of The New York Times, The LA Times,
The Washington Post, The Economist, Wired,
The Dallas Morning News, and The Times (London),
among others. His name also frequently appears (both as writer
and subject) in the pages of Nature, New Scientist,
Science and Scientific American.
Further reading:
"SETH LLOYD: How Fast, How Small, and How Powerful? Moore's Law
and the Ultimat Laptop" &
"The Computational Universe" &
"The Universe Is A Computer" in
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Benoit Mandelbrot's Home Page
He is the Sterling
Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Yale University and IBM Fellow
Emeritus (Physics) at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.
He is best known as the founder of fractal geometry which
impacts mathematics, diverse sciences, and arts, and is best
appreciated as being the first broad attempt to investigate
quantitatively the ubiquitous notion of roughness. He is the
author of The Fractal Geometry of Nature; Fractals and
Scaling In Finance; and (with Richard L. Hudson) The
Misbehavior of Markets.
Further Reading:
"A Theory of Roughness: A Talk with Benoit Mandelbrot"
Gary Marcus' Home Page
He is an Associate
Professor at the Department of Psychology at New York University
and Director of the NYU Infant Language Center. His
research on language acquisition and computational modeling has
been published in journals such as Science, Cognition,
and Cognitive Psychology. He is the author of The
Algebraic Mind: Integrating Connectionism and Cognitive Science
and The Birth of the Mind: How a Tiny Number of Genes
Creates the Complexities of Human Thought.
Further readinge:"Language, Biology, and the Mind: a Talk with Gary Marcus"
Lynn Margulis' home page
She is a Distinguished University Professor in the Department
of Geology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is the author of
Symbiotic Planet, The Origin of Eukaryotic Cells, Early
Life, and Symbiosis in Cell Evolution. She is also
the coauthor, with Karlene V. Schwartz, of Five Kingdoms: An
Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth and with
Dorion Sagan of Acquiring Genomes, Microcosmos,
Origins Of Sex, and Mystery Dance.
John McCarthy's Home Page
He is a Professor of Computer Science at Stanford
University. A pioneer in artificial intelligence, McCarthy
invented LISP, the preeminent AI programming language, and frst
proposed general-purpose time sharing of computers. He
identifies common-sense rules that determine the consequences of
events and codifies these rules, along with other information,
as sentences in the symbolic languages of AI databases.
She is the author or coauthor of seven published
books, among them the classic Machines Who Think, which
has recently been reissued in a 25th Anniversary edition; The
Fifth Generation, Aaron's Code, The Universla Machine,
and coauthor with Nancy Ramsey of The Futures Of Women:
Scenarios for the 21st Century.
The Official Ian McEwan Website ( )
He is a novelist whose works have earned him worldwide
critical acclaim. Among them are the Somerset Maugham Award in
1976 for his first collection of short stories First Love,
Last Rites; Whitbread Novel Award (1987) and Prix Fémina
Etranger (1993) for The Child in Time; and Germany's
Shakespeare Prize in 1999. He has been short-listed for the Book
Prize for Fiction three times, winning the award for
in 1998. His novel Atonement received the
W.H. Smith
Literary Award (2002), National Book Critics' Circle Fiction
Award (2003), Los Angeles Times Prize for Fiction (2003), and
the Santiago Prize for the European Novel (2004).McEwan
currently lives in London. His latest novel, Saturday,
is based on a day in the life of a brain surgeon.
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He is a linguist,
cultural commentator, is a Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute. He is the author of
Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of Language and Music and
Why We Should, Like, Care. He was widely consulted by the
media during the Oakland Ebonics controversy of 1997, and has
written a book on dialects and Black English, The Word on the
Street. He is also the author of Authentically Black, The
Power of Babel,
and Losing the
Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America and has written two
books on creoles. He has also taught on the history of black
musical theatre.
He has written on race issues for City Journal, The
New Republic, The Wall Street Journal, and The
Washington Post, and appeared on Dateline NBC,
Politically Incorrect, Talk of the Nation, and Good
Morning America. Further reading:
"The Demise of Affimative Action at Berkeley": An Essay by John
Thomas Metzinger's Home Page
He is a Professor of Philosophy and director of the
Theoretical Philosophy Group at the Johannes
Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany. Widely considered to be
the foremost European philosopher of mind, he is the author of
three books, most recently Being No One: the Self-Model
Theory of Subjectivity, and the editor of a number of
collections of essays and papers, including Conscious
Experience; and Neural Correlates of Consciousness.
In addition to cognition and selfhood, his research interests
include ethics, particularly the conceptual connections between
applied ethics, the philosophy of mind, and anthropology.)
He is a freelance writer, and a contributing editor
at Wired and Newsweek International. He used to
edit Wired UK, and previously worked at The Economist,
spending almost five years as Science and Technology Editor. He
is the author of
Mapping Mars.
David G. Myers Home Page.
He is the John Dirk Werkman Professor
of Psychology at Hope College and author of
The Pusuit of Happiness, &
The American Paradox:
Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty; &
Intuition: It's Powers and
Perils. Further reading:
"What Questions are on Psychologists' Minds Today?" David G. Myers.
Randolph Nesse's Home Page
He is Professor of Psychiatry, Director, ISR Evolution and Human
Adaptation Program, The University of Michigan and coauthor
(with George C. Williams) of Why We Get Sick: The New Science
of Darwinian Medicine. LINKS:
Is the Market on Prozac?
He is a Professor of Biology and Mathematics at Harvard
University. He is Director of the newly founded Center for
Evolutionary Dynamics, for which Harvard obtained a donation of
$30 million. Nowak studied biochemistry and mathematics at the
University of Vienna where he received his
Ph-D in 1989. Afterwards, he went to Oxford to work with Robert
May. Nowak became Professor of Mathematical Biology at the
University of Oxford at the age of 32. In 1998
he moved to Princeton to establish the first
research program in Theoretical Biology at the Institute for
Advanced Study. In July 2003, Nowak was recruited by Harvard
University. Nowak is a member of the Austrian Academy of
Sciences. He has won several prizes including the Weldon
Memorial Prize. Nowak has made important discoveries in a number
of fields related to evolutionary biology. He has studied
evolutionary dynamics of virus infections and cancer
progression. He has pioneered the mathematical approach for the
evolution of human language. Nowak invented spatial reciprocity
and stochastic game dynamics of finite populations. Nowak and
Sigmund have cooperated for many years. Their work led to
concepts like Generous Tit-for-tat, Win-stay, lose-shift and
indirect reciprocity. They are co-authors of numerous papers in
Nature, Science and Scientific American. Nowak
has published more than 200 papers. His first book, Virus
Dynamics (together with Robert May) is a technical
monograph describing the mathematical analysis of virus
infection and immunology.
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The James J. O'Donnell Website.
He is the Provost of Georgetown University. From 1981-2002, he
was a member of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania.
He is the author of Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to
He has published widely on the cultural history of the late
antique Mediterranean world and is a recognized innovator in the
application of networked information technology in higher
education. In 1990, he co-founded Bryn Mawr Classical Review,
the second on-line scholarly journal in the humanities ever
created. In 1994, he taught an Internet-based seminar on the
work of Augustine of Hippo that reached 500 students.
Sandy Pentland's MIT Home Page
He is a pioneer in wearable computers, health systems, smart
environments, and technology for developing countries. He is one
of the most-cited computer scientists in the world.
He is a co-founder of the Wearable Computing research community,
the Autonomous Mental Development research community, the Center
for Future Health, the international Digital Nations
Consortium, and was the founding director of the Media Lab Asia.
He was formerly the Academic Head of the MIT Media Laboratory,
and is the Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences.
He has won numerous international awards in the Arts, Sciences
and Engineering. He was chosen by Newsweek as one of
the 100 Americans most likely to shape the next century.
He currently directs the Human Dynamics research group at the
MIT Media Lab.
Irene Pepperberg's Media Lab page
She studies Grey
parrots. The main focus of her work is to determine the
cognitive and communicative abilities of these birds, and
compare their abilities with those of great apes, marine
mammals, and young children. She is studying the mechanisms of
their learning as well as the outcomes. Dr. Pepperberg is a a
research scientist at the MIT School of Architecture and
Planning, and a Research Associate Professor in the Department
of Psychology at Brandeis University. Links:
"That Damn Bird: A Talk with Irene Pepperberg"
The Alex Foundation
editor-in-chief of Discover Magazine. -
Clifford Pickover Home Page
He is
a research staff member at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center,
in Yorktown Heights, New York. He is the holder of more than a
dozen patents dealing with computer interfaces, and he has
written some twenty books on a broad range of topics, including
Time : A Traveler's Guide, Surfing Through Hyperspace : Understanding Higher Universes in
Six Easy Lessons, Black Holes : A Traveler's Guide, Future
Health : Computers and Medicine in the 21st Century, Keys to
Infinity, The Science of Aliens, The Paradox of God and the
Science of Omniscience;
Calculus and Pizza: A Math Cookbook for the Hungry Mind.
Pickover's primary interest is in finding
new ways to expand creativity by melding art, science,
mathematics, and other seemingly disparate areas of human
endeavor. His Internet Web site has attracted nearly two hundred
thousand visitors.
Steven Pinker's Home Page
He is the Johnstone
Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard
University. Until 2003, he taught in the Department of Brain and
Cognitive Sciences at MIT. He conducts research on language and
cognition, writes for publications such as the New York
Times, Time, and Slate, and is the author of six
books, including The Language Instinct, How the Mind Works,
Words and Rules, and The Blank Slate. Pinker serves on
numerous editorial and advisory boards, including the Usage
Panel of The American Heritage Dictionary and the
scientific advisory board for "The Decade of Behavior." He has
won many prizes for his books (including the William James Book
Prize three times, the Los Angeles Times Science Book
Prize, and the Eleanor Maccoby Book Prize), his research
(including the Troland Research Prize from the National Academy
of Sciences and the Early Career Award from the American
Psychological Association), and his graduate and undergraduate
teaching. He is also a Humanist Laureate and the recipient of
three honorary doctorates.
Biological Understanding of Human Nature" & "The
Science of Gender and Science"
Pinker vs. Spelke -
A Debate Opening Comments
Science of Gender and Science"
Pinker vs. Spelke -
A Debate Opening Comments
Science of Gender and Science"
Pinker vs. Spelke -
A Debate
Further reading:
"Language Is a Human Instinct" in The Third Culture
"Organs of Computation": A Talk
with Steven Pinker
"The Two Steves: A Debate": Steven Rose vs. Steven Pinker
"A Biological Understanding of Human Nature: A Talk with Steven
Pinker" & "The
Science of Gender and Science"
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Jordan Pollack's home page
He is a computer science and complex systems
professor at Brandeis University. His laboratory's work on AI,
Artificial Life, Neural Networks, Evolution, Dynamical Systems,
Games, Robotics, Machine Learning, and Educational Technology
has been reported on by the New York Times, Time, Science,
NPR, and many other media sources worldwide.
Jordan is a prolific inventor, advises several startup companies
and incubators, and in his spare time runs Thin Mail, an
Internet based service designed to increase the usefulness of
wireless email.
Further reading:
"Software As a Cultural Solvent"
Dynamical and Evolutionary Machine Organization (DEMO)
Laboratory, Brandeis University
He is Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at
the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where he
studies the development and evolution of the nervous system. The
walkie-talkie theory is presented in his book
Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.There are two types
of cosmologists active today: those who seek the physical
principles driving the global properties of the Universe, and
those who concentrate on the details of astrophysical objects,
like galaxies, quasars, and black holes, that give complementary
information about structure at smaller distances. Martin Rees is
one of the few cosmologists exploring both venues, giving him a
unique perspective from which to develop scientific ideas, and
to synthesize known ideas for a broader audience.
She received her PhD degree in 1983 from the
California Institute of Technology in the Division of Geological
and Planetary Sciences, having completed her doctoral
dissertation on Voyager discoveries in the rings of Saturn. In
the fall of 1983, she joined the faculty in the Department of
Planetary Sciences within the University of Arizona; the same year she was made a member of the Voyager Imaging Team. In
the latter capacity, she participated heavily in the Voyager
encounters with Uranus in 1986 and Neptune in 1989, leading the
Rings Working Group within the Voyager Imaging Team during the
latter encounter. In November 1990, she was selected as the
leader of the Imaging Team for the Cassini mission to Saturn, an
international mission that has successfully placed a spacecraft
in orbit around Saturn, and deployed an atmospheric probe to
Saturn's largest satellite, Titan. She is also an imaging
scientist on the Pluto/Kuiper Belt mission, New Horizons, which
will launch to Pluto in 2006.She is currently a Sr. Research
Scientist at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado,
an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Planetary Sciences at
the University of Arizona, and an Adjunct Professor at the
University of Colorado in Boulder. She has taught both graduates
and undergraduates and was one of 5 finalists for the University
of Arizona Honors Center `Five Star Faculty Award', a
campus-wide student-nominated, student-judged award for
outstanding undergraduate teaching.She has been an active
participant in guiding the American planetary exploration
program through membership on several important NASA advisory
committees, including the Solar System Exploration Subcommittee,
the Mars Observer Recovery Study Team, and the Solar System Road
Map Development Team. She served as the chaiperson for a small
NASA advisory working group to study and develop future outer
solar system missions and she recently served as the Vice Chair
of the Steering Group for the Solar System Decadal Survey,
sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and NASA.
Porco, currently a regular CNN guest analyst and consultant on
astronomy, has made many radio and television appearances
explaining science to the layman, including appearances on the
MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour, CBS' 60 Minutes, and TV
documentaries on planetary exploration such as "Cosmic Journey:
The Voyager Interstellar Mission and Message" on A&E, and "The
Planets" on The Discovery Channel. She was a strong and visible
defendant of the usage of radioactive materials on the Cassini
spacecraft. She is currently a regular CNN on-camera guest
analyst and consultant on astronomy .Dr. Porco has also given
many newspaper and magazine interviews, and has been profiled
eight times in print, beginning in 1989 (Boston Globe,
October, 1989), in the New York Times (August 1999), in
the Tucson Citizen (2001 ), and most recently in
Newsday (June 2004). She was a member of a committee chaired
by Carl Sagan in 1994 entitled "Public Communication of NASA's
Science." Her popular scientific writings have been published in
the London Sunday Times, the Guardian,
Astronomy Magazine and the Arizona Daily Star. She
continues to be active in the presentation of science to the
public as the leader of the Cassini Imaging team. She is the
creator/editor of the team's CICLOPS website ( where
Cassini images are posted, and writes the site's home page
opening greeting to the public.She is also the CEO of Diamond
Sky Productions, a small company devoted to the scientific, as
well as artful, use of planetary images and computer graphics
for the presentation of science to the public.Dr. Porco was
responsible for the epitaph and proposal to honor the late
renowned planetary geologist, Eugene Shoemaker, by sending his
cremains to the Moon aboard the Lunar Prospector spacecraft in
1998.In late 1999, she was selected by the Sunday London
Times as one of 18 scientific leaders of the 21st century,
and by Industrial Week as one of "50 Stars to Watch".Her
contributions to the exploration of the outer solar system were
recently recognized with the naming of Asteroid (7231) Porco:
"Named in honor of Carolyn C. Porco, a pioneer in the study of
planetary ring systems...and a leader in spacecraft exploration
of the outer solar system."
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He is a Royal Society Professor at Cambridge University,
Fellow of King's College, the UK's Astronomer Royal, and a
Fellow of the Royal Society. He is the author of about 500
research papers, and widely acknowledged as one of the world's
leading astronomers and cosmologists.SIR MARTIN REES is Royal
Society Professor at Kings College, Cambridge and the UK Astronomer
Royal. He was previously Plumian Professor of Astronomy and
Experimental Philosophy at Cambridge, having been elected to
this chair at the age of thirty, succeeding Fred Hoyle. He has
originated many key cosmological ideas: for example, he was the
first to suggest that the fantastically energetic cores of
quasars may be powered by giant black holes. For the last twenty
years, he has directed a wide-ranging research program at
Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy. He is the author of several books, including Gravity's Fatal
Attraction (with Mitchell Begelman); New Perspectives in
Astrophysical Astronomy; Before the Beginning : Our Universe and
Others; Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that Shape the
Universe; Our Cosmic Habitat; and Our Final Hour: A
Scientist's Warning: How Terror, Error, and Environmental
Disaster Threaten Humankind's Future in this Century—on Earth
and Beyond (published in the UK as Our Final Century:
The 50/50 Threat to Humanity's Survival).
Martin Rees: The Bruce Medalist
"Living In a Multiverse"
"The Ultra Early Universe" &
"An Ensemble of Universes," Ch.15 in The Third Culture
Howard Rheingold's Home Page
He fell into the
computer realm from the typewriter dimension, then plugged his
computer into his telephone and got sucked into the net. In
earlier years, his interest in the powers of the human mind led
to Higher Creativity, written with Willis Harman,
Talking Tech and The Cognitive Connections with
Howard Levine Excursions to the Far Side of the Mind: A Book
of Memes ), Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming ,
with Stephen LaBerge, and They Have A Word For It: A
Lighthearted Lexicon of Untranslatable Words and phrases.
"I ventured further into the territory where minds meet
technology, via the subject of computers as mind-amplifiers, and
wrote Tools for Thought . Next, Virtual Reality
chronicled my odyssey in the world of artificial experience,
from simulated battlefields in Hawaii to robotics laboratories
in Tokyo, garage inventors in Great Britain, and simulation
engineers in the south of France. "In 1985, I became involved in
the WELL, a computer conferencing system. I started writing
about life in my virtual community and ended up with a book
about the cultural and political implications of a new
communications medium, The Virtual Community. In 1993 I
had the privilege of being the editor of The Whole Earth
Review and editor in chief of The Millennium Whole Earth
Catalog. In 1994, I was one of the principal architects and
the first Executive Editor of HotWired. I quit after
launch, because I wanted something more like a jam session than
a magazine. In 1996, I founded and, with the help of a crew of
15, launched "Electric Minds". I've become a professional
virtual community builder, as well. My new book is Smart
Mobs: The Next Social Revolution.
"You can see
my painted shoes, if you'd like."
Further reading:
"Howard Rheingold: Smart Mobs" &
"The Citizen" in Digerati
Carlo Rovelli's Home Page
He is a theoretical physicist, working on quantum
gravity and on foundations of spacetime physics. He is professor
of physics at the University of the Mediterraneum in Marseille, France and member of the
Intitut Universitaire de France. He is the author of Quantum
Gravity and (in Italian) Cos'e' il tempo? Cos'e' lo
Rucker's Home Page
He is a mathematician, computer
scientist; CyberPunk pioneer; and novelist. His books include
Infinity and the Mind,
Spaceland: A Novel of the Fourth Dimension,
Freeware, &
White Light.
He is a writer and television producer with 25 years of
experience describing complex events and subjects for a
nonspecialist audience. His programs for the BBC and PBS have encompassed physics, medicine, psychology, philosophy,
technology, and anthropology. Two of his television projects
have been accompanied by best-selling books: The Living Body
Skyscraper. Sabbagh has written numerous articles for
newspapers and magazines, including The Sunday Times,
New Scientist, The Listener, and Punch. He has
also hosted a regular BBC radio series called Science Now. His other books include
21st Century Jet: The Making and Marketing of the Boeing 777;
A Rum Affair: A True Story of Botanical Fraud; &
The Riemann Hypothesis: The Greatest Unsolved Problem in
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Doulgas Ruskoff 's Home Page
He analyzes the way people, cultures, and
institutions create, share, and influence each other's values.
He sees "media" as the landscape where this interaction takes
place, and "literacy" as the ability to participate consciously
in it. Rushkoff is the author of eight
best-selling books on new media and popular culture, that have
been translated into over 20 languages, including Cyberia,
Media Virus, Playing the Future, Coercion: Why We Listen to What
"They" Say, Nothing Sacred: The Truth About Judaism,
and the novels Ecstasy Club, and Exit Strategy.
His writes essays and commentaries for NPR's All Things
Considered, Time Magazine, and CBS Sunday Morning. Rushkoff
lectures about media, art, society, and change at conferences
and universities around the world. He hosts and writes
documentaries for PBS, Channel Four, and the BBC. Rushkoff's
award-winning Frontline documentary "The Merchants of Cool" was
one of the most watched and most talked about documentaries of
the year.
He has served as an professor of
virtual culture at New York University's Interactive
Telecommunications Program for the past four years, as an
Advisor to the United Nations Commission on World Culture, on
the Board of Directors of the Media Ecology Association and the
Center for Cognitive Liberties and Ethics, and as a founding
member of Technorealism. He is a Senior Fellow of the Markle
Foundation, and a Center for Global Communications Fellow of the
International University of Japan.He regularly appears on TV
shows from NBC Nightly News and Frontline to Larry King and
Politically Incorrect. Rushkoff writes for magazines and
newspapers including Time, The Guardian, Esquire,
Paper, GQ and The Silicon Alley Reporter, and
developed the Electronic Oracle software series for
HarperCollins Interactive. Further reading:
"The Thing That I Call Doug"
Robert Sapolsky Home Page
He is a professor of biological
sciences at Stanford University and of neurology at Stanford's
School of Medicine. He is also a research associate at the
National Museums of Kenya. While his primary research, on stress
and neurological disease, is in the laboratory, for twenty-three
years he has made annual trips to the Serengeti of East Africa
to study a population of wild baboons and the relationship
between personality and patterns of stress-related disease in
these animals. His latest book, A Primate's Memoir, grew
out of the years spent in Africa. He is also the author of
Stress, the Aging Brain, and the Mechanisms of Neuron Death,
and two books for nonscientists, The Trouble With
Testosterone and Other Essays on the Biology of the Human
Predicament and Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: A Guide to
Stress, Stress-Related Diseases and Coping.
Robert Sapolsky
He is the Managing Director of CyberLab Interactive
Productions GmbH, a subsidiary of the Burda Media Group and a
Member of the Executive Board of Burda New Media GmbH.
Stephen H. Schneider's Home Page
He is a
climatologist, is Professor in the Biological Sciences
Department at Stanford University and the Former Department
Director and Head of Advanced Study Project at the National
Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder. He is internationally
recognized as one of the world's leading experts in atmospheric
research and its implications for environment and society. Dr.
Schneider's books include The Genesis Strategy: Climate
Change and Global Survival; The Coevolution Of Climate and Life
and Global Warming: Are We Entering The Greenhouse Century?;
Laboratory Earth
Roger Schank, is currently
Distinguished Career Professor at the School of Computer Science,
Carnegie-Mellon University, and Chief Education Officer,
Carnegie Mellon West. He is the former Chairman and
Chief Technology Officer for
Cognitive Arts and was the founding Director of the
Institute for the Learning Sciences at Northwestern
University since its founding in 1989. He held three faculty
appointments at Northwestern University as John Evans Professor
of Computer Science, Education, and Psychology. Previously, he was
Professor of Computer Science and Psychology at Yale University and Director of the
Yale Artificial Intelligence Project.ÝHe was also a visiting
professor at the University of Paris VII, a faculty member at Stanford
University, and research fellow at the Institute for Semantics
and Cognition in Switzerland. In addition, Dr. Schank is
a fellow of the AAAI, the founder of the Cognitive Science
Society, and co-founder of the Journal of Cognitive Science. One of the world's leading
Artificial Intelligence researchers, Dr. Schank is the author of
more than 125 articles and publications.Ý His books include:
Dynamic Memory: A Theory of Learning in Computers and People ,
Tell Me a Story: A New Look at Real and Artificial Memory, The
Connoisseur's Guide to the Mind, and Engines for Education.
His newest book is
Virtual Learning: A Revolutionary Approach to Building a Highly
Skilled Workforce.
Further reading:"Information
is Surprises" — in The Third Culture
"The Disrespected Student — or — The Need for the Virtual
University": A Talk with Roger Schank.
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Gino Segre's Home
He is a professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University
of Pennsylvania. HE was born in
Florence, Italy and raised in Florence
and New York City.He has been a visiting professor at M.I.T. and
Oxford, chair of the Physics and Astronomy Department of the
University of Pennsylvania from 1987 until
1992 and Director of Theoretical Physics at the National Science
Foundation in 1995. He is the author of A Matter of Degrees:
What Temperature Reveals About the Past and Future of Our
Species, Planet, and Universe.
Martin Seligman Upenn Home Page
Martin E.P. Seligman,
Ph.D., works on learned helplessness, depression, and on
optimism and pessimism. He is currently Fox Leadership Professor
of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University
of Pennsylvania. He is well known in academic and clinical
circles and is a best-selling author.
His bibliography includes twenty books and 200 articles on
motivation and personality. Among his better-known works are
Learned Optimism; The Optimistic Child; Helplessness; Abnormal
Psychology, Authentic Happiness, and coauthor of
The Classification of Strengths and Virtues.
Dr. Seligman's research and writing has been broadly supported
by a number of institutions including The National Institute of
Mental Health (continuously since 1969), the National Institute
of Aging, the National Science Foundation, the Guggenheim
Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation. His research on
preventing depression received the MERIT Award of the National
Institute of Mental Health in 1991. He is the network director
of the Positive Psychology Network and Scientific Director of
the Telos Project of the Mayerson Foundation.
In 1996 Dr. Seligman was elected President of the American
Psychological Association.
"EUDAEMONIA, THE GOOD LIFE": A Talk with Martin Seligman
Authentic Happiness Coaching &
The Authentic Happiness Website &
The Martin Seligman Research Alliance
Terrence Sejnowksi Home Page;
He is a pioneer in Computational Neurobiology,
is regarded by many as one of the world's most foremost
theoretical brain scientists. He is Professor, Salk Institute;
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and Professor of
Biology and Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego,
He is coauthor of The Computational Brain;Thalamocortical
Assemblies: How Ion Channels, Single Neurons and Large-Scale
Networks Organize Sleep Oscillations; and most recently
coauthor (with Steven Quartz) of Liars, Lovers, and Heroes:
What the New Brain Science Reveals About How We Become Who We
Compututional Neurobiology Lab (CNL)
Rupert Sheldrake Online
He is a biologist and author of The Sense of
Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind;
Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, And Other
Unexplained Powers of Animals; The Rebirth of Nature;
and Seven Experiments That Could Change the World, as
well as many technical papers in scientific journals. He is
currently a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He lives in
He s the Founding Publisher of Skeptic
magazine, the Director of the Skeptics Society, a monthly
columnist for Scientific American, the host of the
Skeptics Lecture Series at Caltech, and the co-host and producer
of the 13-hour Fox Family television series, Exploring the
Unknown. Shermer is the author of How We Believe: The
Search for God in an Age of Science, Why People Believe Weird
Things, Teach Your Child Science, and The
Borderlands of Science : Where Sense Meets Nonsense. He is
the co-author of Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust
Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?; Teach Your Child Math
and Mathemagics; and In Darwin's Shadow: The Life and
Science of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Biographical Study on the
Psychology of History; and Science Friction.He has
appeared on such shows as 20/20, Dateline,
Charlie Rose, Tom Snyder, Donahue, Oprah,
Sally, Lezza, Unsolved Mysteries, and other
shows, as well as on documentaries aired on A & E, Discovery,
and The Learning Channel.
The Skeptics Society
He is a Cofounder of
Intentional Software Corporation, a software engineering company
dedicated to assisting software developers in capturing the
tremendous latent value that is usually lost in the design and
development process. Simonyi formerly worked as
Director of Application Development, Chief Architect, and most
recently, Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft Corporation. He
joined Microsoft in 1981 to start the development of
microcomputer application programs and hired and managed teams
who developed Microsoft Excel, Multiplan, Word, and other
applications. In 1991, he moved on to Microsoft Research where
he focused on Intentional Programming, an ecology for
abstractions which strives for maximal reuse of components by
separating high level intentions from implementation detail.
Before coming to Microsoft, Simonyi worked at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
developing Bravo, the first WYSIWYG (what you see is what you
get) editor. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Simonyi holds a BS
degree in engineering mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford. Further
Intentional Programming: A Talk with Charles Simonyi &
CODE II — Farmer & Simonyi: A Reality Club Dialogue
Intentional Software Company
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He is a
Graduate, London School of Economics;Postgraduate, University
College London; and Former MRC funded neuroscience researcher
who is a researcher in the evolution of human intelligence in
the light of recent discoveries about the brain.
His projects and papers include Origins of modern cognition;The
alphabet and the origins of Western Civilization; Phones are a
vocal imitation code; Left to right of history; Popper studies;
Consciousness; Autism; Data-archiving; Self-sustaining
situations and money; Greek Art; Memory headers; Brain size IQ
and human evolution; Religion and mind viruses; Humanistic
morality; Reading and neural networks; Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. While a first-year student at LSE, published a theory of the origins of
Western Civilization in Nature. He is the author (with
Dorion Sagan) of
Up From Dragons: The Evolution of Human Intelligence.
Up From Dragons
He is a theoretical physicist, is a
founding member and research physicist at the Perimeter
Institute in Waterloo Canada. He is the author of The Life of
The Cosmos and Three Roads to Quantum Gravity.
"What is space and what is time? This is what the problem of
quantum gravity is about. In general relativity, Einstein gave
us not only a theory of gravity but a theory of what space and
time are--a theory that overthrew the previous Newtonian
conception of space and time. The problem of quantum gravity is
how to combine the understanding of space and time we have from
relativity theory with the quantum theory, which also tells us
something essential and deep about nature."
Further reading:
"A Theory of the Whole Universe" in The Third Culture
"A Possible Solution For The Problem Of Time In Quantum
Cosmology" by Stuart Kauffman and Lee Smolin
"Loop Quantum Gravity: Lee Smolin" &
Perimeter Institute
Laboratory for Developmental Studies, Harvard University
She teaches at
Harvard University, where she is Professor of Psychology and
Co-Director of the Mind, Brain, and Behavior Initiative.
She studies the origins and nature of knowledge of objects,
persons, space, and number, by assessing behavior and brain
function in human infants, children, human adults and non-human
animals. A member of the National Academy of Sciences and the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and cited by Time
Magazine as one of America's Best in Science and Medicine, her
honors include the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award
of the American Psychological Association and the William James
Award of the American Psychological Society.
Further reading:
Science of Gender and Science"
Maria Spiropulu's Home Page &
The Official Maria Spiropulu Appreciation Page
She is a physicist, is currently at
CERN. She has been working at the Tevatron with UCSB and was an
Enrico Fermi Fellow at the EFI/University of Chicago. Spiropulu
finished her Ph.D. in physics at Harvard working at the Collider
Detector at Fermilab (CDF) onsupersymmetric searches. Previously
she worked at CERN's DELPHI and in Berlin's BESSY. Among other
research topics she is interested in collider signatures of
supersymmetry and extra dimensions.
was born in London and studied engineering and computer
science at Oxford University. He has covered
science and technology for a number of newspapers and magazines,
including The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Wired and
Prospect, and is now Technology Editor at The Economist.
He is the author of three books, The Victorian Internet, The
Neptune File
and The Turk, and takes a particular interest in the
social and cultural impact of technology.
Paul Steinhardt's Home Page
He is the Albert
Einstein Professor in Science and on the faculty of both the
Departments of Physics and Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton
University. He is one of the leading theorists responsible for
inflationary theory. He constructed the first workable model of
inflation and the theory of how inflation could produce seeds
for galaxy formation. He was also among the first to show
evidence for dark energy and cosmic acceleration, introducing
the term "quintessence" to refer to dynamical forms of dark
energy. With Neil Turok, he has pioneered mathematical and
computational techniques which decisively disproved rival
theories of structure formation such as cosmic strings. He made
leading contributions to inflationary theory and to our
understanding of the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry
in the Universe. Hence, the authors not only witnessed but also
led firsthand the revolutionary developments in the standard
cosmological model caused by the fusion of particle physics and
cosmology in the last 20 years. Further reading:
The Cyclic Universe: Paul Steinhardt
Paul Steinhardt: Research Description
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The Bruce Sterling Online Index — a guide to every Bruce
Sterling work on the web
He was born in 1954
in Brownsville, Texas. His grandfather was a
rancher, his father an engineer. Sterling, purportedly a
novelist by trade, actually spends most of his time aimlessly
messing with computers, modems, and fax machines. He and his
wife Nancy have a daughter Amy, born in 1987. They live in
Austin, Texas.
Sterling sold his first science
fiction story in 1976. His solo novels include Schismatrix
(1985), Islands In The Net (1988), Heavy Weather
(1994), and Holy Fire (1996). In 1986 he edited
Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology. His two collections
of short stories are Crystal Express (1989) and
Globalhead (1992). In 1990 he and William Gibson published
their collaborative 'steampunk' novel The Difference Engine.
1992 saw the appearance of
Sterling's first nonfiction book, The Hacker Crackdown: Law
And Disorder On The Electronic Frontier, a work of
investigative journalism exploring issues in computer crime and
civil liberties. Sterling released the entire text of the book
on the Internet as non-commercial "literary freeware," and
maintains a long-term interest in electronic user rights and
free expression. Other nonfiction work by Sterling has appeared
in The New York Times, Newsday, Whole Earth
Review, Details, Mondo 2000, bOING bOING,
and Wired.
He has also written SF criticism
for Science Fiction Eye and Monad, and regular
columns for Interzone and The Magazine of Fantasy &
Science Fiction. He has been a member of the Science Fiction
and Fantasy Writers of America ever since Salman Rushdie was
condemned by religious fanatics.
His latest book is entitled
Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next 50 Years. (adapted from the press bio in Globalhead, with other
Leonard Susskind Home Page
He has been the Felix Bloch
Professor in theoretical physics at Stanford University since
1978. He is a member of the National Academy of Science and the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, recipient of numerous
prizes including the science writing prize of the American
Institute of Physics for my Scientific American article on black
His contributions to physics include the discovery of string
theory, the theory of quark confinement, the development of
Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory, the theory of scaling
violations in deep inelastic electroproduction, the theory of
symmetry breaking sometimes known as "Technicolor theory", the
first theories of cosmological baryogenisis apart from
Sakharov's work which was unknown in the west, the string theory
of black hole entropy, the principle of "black hole
complementarity", the holographic principle, the matrix
description of M-theory, the introduction of holographic entropy
bounds in cosmology, the idea of a string theory "landscape".
He has written numerous articles for the non-specialist
including an award winning article on black holes in the
Scientific American,
a recent rather long "cover story" article on the "Anthropic
Landscape of String theory" in the
New Scientist
and an article on the status of String theory in
Physics World.
Further reading:THE LANDSCAPE: A Talk with
Leonard Susskind
Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Home Page
He is an
essayist and mathematical trader. He is interested in the
epistemology of randomness and the multidisciplinary problems of
uncertainty and knowledge, particularly in the large-impact
hard-to-predict rare events ("Black Swans"). Taleb is Dean's
Professor in the Sciences of Uncertainty, Isenberg School of
Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst &
Chairman, Empirica LLC. Taleb held senior trading
positions with trading houses in New York and London and
operated as a floor trader before founding Empirica LLC. His
degrees include an MBA from the Wharton School and a Ph.D. from
the University of Paris. He is the author of
Dynamic Hedging and Fooled by Randomness (2nd
Ediition, published April 9th). He considers himself an Edge
Activist — a member of the "literary and empirical community of
He teaches in the Department of Archaeological
Sciences, University of Bradford, UK, and
conducts research on the later prehistoric societies of
southeastern Europe. He regularly publishes in
international journals, including Scientific American,
Nature, The American Journal of Archaeology, Antiquity, World
Archaeology, and Current Anthropology. He is the
author of
The Prehistory of Sex: Four Million Years of Human Sexual
Culture, and
The Buried Soul. He has been instrumental in
popularizing archaeology on television, acting as a researcher
on several BBC programs including "The Blood of the British" and
presenting his work on "Down to Earth" in an episode that won
the British Archaeological Award for best popular archaeology on
TV. He is currently conducting the excavation of a Bronze Age
burial site — Barney's Hole — in a newly discovered cave in the
Yorkshire Dales.
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He is adjunct professor of psychology at the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He has been the
director of a laboratory devoted to psychological and
neurophysiological research and is the author of The
Cognitive Brain.
Robert Trivers' Home Page
His scientific work has concentrated on two areas,
social theory based on natural selection (of which a theory of
self-deception is one part) and the biology of selfish genetic
elements (which leads to certain kinds of internal genetic
conflicts). His early work—offering unifying theories on
reciprocal altruism, parental investment, sexual selection,
parent-offspring conflict, the sex ratio, and deceit and
self-deception—has now been cited more than 7000 times in the
scientific literature. His work on selfish genetic elements has
appeared in several articles.
He is the author of Social Evolution, Natural Selection and
Social Theory: Selected Papers of Robert Trivers.Trivers is
a frequent, featured speaker at international academic meetings
(e.g. "Selfish genetic elements and social behavior", 1st
William Hamilton Memorial Lecture, 9th International Conference
of Behavioral Ecologists, McGill University, Montreal, CA, July
10, 2002, audience of 750) or as University guest (e.g.
Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, U of Texas, Austin, April,
He was cited in a special Time issue as one of the 100
greatest thinkers and scientists of the 20th Century. Further
J. CRAIG VENTER- Beyond Edge:
The J. Craig Venter Institute
He is one of leading
scientists of the 21st century for his visionary contributions
in genomic research. He is founder and president of the J. Craig
Venter Institute and the J. Craig Venter Science Foundation. The
Venter Institute conducts basic research that advances the
science of genomics; specializes in high volume genome
sequencing, and explores the ethical and policy implications of
genomic discoveries and advances. The J. Craig Venter Science
Foundation supports both the Venter Institute and The Institute
for Genomic Research (TIGR), an affiliated research organization
led by Claire M. Fraser, Ph.D. Venter founded TIGR in 1992.
Key Accomplishments:
• While on faculty at the
National Institutes of Health, Venter developed expressed
sequence tags or EST’s, a revolutionary new strategy for
discovering genes.
• In 1992, he founded The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR).
There, he and his team decoded the genome of the first
free-living organism, the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae,
pioneering the new whole genome shotgun technique.
• In 1998, Venter became the first president of Celera Genomics
to sequence the human genome using the whole genome shotgun
technique, new mathematical algorithms, and new automated DNA
sequencing machines.
• The completed sequence of the human genome was published in
February 2001 in the journal, Science. In addition to the human
genome, Venter and his team at Celera sequenced the fruit fly,
mouse, and rat genomes.
• In 2003, Venter launched a global expedition to obtain and
study microbes from environments ranging from the world’s oceans
to urban centers. This mission, now in progress, is yielding
insights into genes that make up the vast realm of microbial
Research at the Venter Institute
reflects Venter’s interests in advancing the science of genomics
and in applying genomic advances to some of the world’s most
vexing public health and environmental challenges. Major
research foci include human genomic medicine, environmental and
evolutionary genomics (which includes the Venter Institute
Global Sampling Mission), biological energy production,
synthetic biology, and the intersection between genomics and
environmental and energy policy.
ALEXANDER VILENKIN - He is Professor of Physics and Director of the Institute of Cosmology at Tufts University. A theoretical
physicist who has been working in the field of cosmology for 25
years, Vilenkin has written over 150 papers and is responsible
for introducing the ideas of eternal inflation and quantum
creation of the universe from nothing. He received his
undergraduate degree in physics in 1971 in the former Soviet
Union but was prevented from getting into graduate school
because he was blacklisted by the KGB for refusing to cooperate.
He emmigrated to the US in 1976, received his Ph.D. at SUNY
Buffalo in 1977, and joined the faculty at Tufts in 1978. His work has been featured
in numerous newspaper and magazine articles in US, Europe,
Russia, and Japan, and in many popular books.
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MARGARET WERTHEIM - She is a science writer and commentator who has
written extensively for magazines, television and radio. Her
articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Sciences,
New Scientist, Times Literary Supplement, The Guardian, LA
Weekly and Salon. She is the senior science reviewer
for The Australian's Review of Books and writes a monthly
column on science and society for The Age newspaper in
Melbourne. Wertheim is the author of Pythagoras‚ Trousers
and The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace: A History of Space from
Dante to the Internet. She was the writer and host of "Faith
and Reason", a 1998 PBS documentary special about science and
religion. She is a Research Associate to the American Museum of
Natural History in New York and a fellow of the Los Angeles
Institute for the Humanities.
Wertheim lectures widely about science and society at
universities and colleges across America. In 1998 she was the
Australian Broadcasting Corporation's official spokeswoman for
Science Week. She has been a guest on the PBS programs "Think
Tank" and "Between the Lines," on the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation's "Sunday Morning Live", on ZD-TV's "Silicon Spin,"
and on ABC Australia's "Two Shot" and "Nightline."
- He is a biologist at the Port Erin Marine Station of the University
of Liverpool (UK); Author, The Origins of Larvae.
Roslyn Institute, Edinburgh
He is a professor and Head of the Department of Gene Expression
and Development at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh,
Scotland, is uniquely qualified both as a pioneer in the science
of cloning and as a participant in the public discussions of its
possible social and ethical consequences. He is the leader of
the team that produced Dolly the sheep in 1996, the first animal
to be cloned from an adult cell. Since Dolly's birth, he has
become something of an international figure as an expert on
cloning techniques, and his laboratory continues to play a
leading role in the development of methods for the cloning and
genetic modification of animals. Dr. Wilmut's own research
centers on the cloning of human embryos to provide stem cells
for treatment of degenerative disorders such as diabetes and
Parkinson's disease. He has been a frequent advocate of the
medical benefits to be derived from this new technology, giving
many public lectures on the subject and participating in
numerous panel discussions on the potential uses and misuses of
cloning. He has also testified in the United Kingdom, France,
and the United States before parliamentary and congressional
committees considering the legislative regulation of cloning.
Dr. Wilmut has a distinguished record of ground-breaking
biological research. He obtained a B.Sc. in Agricultural Science
at the University of Nottingham before studying at the University
of Cambridge, where he was awarded a Ph.D. in 1971. His subsequent research in
Cambridge led to the birth
of the first calf from a frozen embryo — "Frosty" — in 1973. He
moved to Edinburgh that year and has worked there ever since.
Besides heading a department at the Roslin Institute, he serves
as scientific advisor to Geron Bio-Med, a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Geron Corp of Menlo Park, California. The objectives of
current research are to develop biomedical applications of the
nuclear-transfer procedure: these include the provision of
modified animal organs and human stem cells for therapy. Ian Wilmut's work has been
recognized by many awards and honorary degrees. In 2000, he was
elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the highest
Scottish society of learning, and in the previous year was made
a member of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth
II. Other awards include a fellowship in the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Lord Lloyd
of Kilgerran Prize, the Sir John Hammond Memorial Prize of the
Society for the Study of Fertility, the Sir William Young Award
of the Royal Highland & Agricultural Society of Scotland, and
the Research Medal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.
In addition to his many research papers, Dr. Wilmut has written
a large number of popular articles on the subject of cloning,
including pieces for Time, New Scientist, and Scientific
American. In 2000, with coauthors Colin Tudge and Keith
Campbell, he published The Second Creation: Dolly and the Age
of Biological Control, which describes the research leading
to the birth of Dolly and initial impressions of the value of
cloning techniques. Publicity for the book was shared among the
authors; Dr. Wilmut spoke at book publicity events in London, Cardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Munich, and gave
many interviews to newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.
He plans to publicize the book in his public lectures and
articles as well as participate in tours to promote After
Dolly: The Uses and Misuses of Cloning.
Ellen Winner's Home Page
She is a psychologist at
Boston College. Her research focuses on
two areas of research on cognition in the arts. (1) The study of
the creative process in the visual arts, including what broad
thinking dispositions are acquired by studying the arts, how
students make sense of the arts, the role of arts in their lives
and how students learn by reflecting on their portfolios; (2)
The study of the effects of music training on children's brain
growth (through brain imaging) and on their cognition (musical,
spatial, and verbal) and motoric development. This research is
based on a view of the arts as cognitive as well as affective,
and on the assumption that the arts are a central aspect of
human behavior which must be incoporated into our understading
of human development and education. She is the author of
Gifted Children: Myths and Reality; The Point of Words:
Children's Understanding of Metaphor and Irony; Invented Worlds.
Ellen Winner's Boston College Web Page;
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Anton Zeilinger's Group Home Page at University of Vienna
He is a physicist
who has held teaching and research positions at M.I.T., the
Universities of Innsbruck and Oxford, at the Technical
Universities of Vienna and Munich, at the College de France in
Paris. Presently he is a Professor of Physics at the University
of Vienna.
His work has received world-wide attention, most notably his
first realization of quantum teleportation and most recently our
quantum interference experiments with buckyball molecules, the
largest objects ever to have demonstrated quantum phenomena. In
terms of research his next goal is to extend the validity of
quantum phenomena experimentally to the realm of even larger
objects and perhaps even to life itself.
He has written a number of articles on quantum physics for a
general audience in journals like Scientific American,
Nature, Science, Neue Zurcher Zeitung and Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung.
"Quantum Teleportation", cover story, Scientific
Novelist; Author, Saturday
Evolutionary biologist, Rutgers University; Author, Natural
Selection and Social Theory
Writer; Contributing Editor, Wired, Newsweek
International; Author, Mapping Mars.
Science Writer; Consultant; Lecturer, Copenhagen;
Author, The User Illusion
Planetary Scientist; Leader, Cassini Imaging
Team; Director, CICLOPS, Space Science Institute, Boulder
Mathematician, Computer
Scientist; CyberPunk Pioneer; Novelist; Author,
Infinity and the Mind
Archaeologist; Journalist; Writer-in-Residence,
University of Bradford; Author, Past Poetic
Psychologist, University of Virginia
Quantum Mechanical Engineer,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Science writer and Commentator; Author,
Pythagoras' Trousers
Philosopher and Novelist, Trinity College;
Author, Incompleteness
Hope College; Author,
Physicist, currently at CERN
Physicist and Nobel Laureate;
Director Emeritus, Fermilab; Coauthor,
The God Particle
Publisher, Skeptic magazine;
Columnist, Scientific American; Author
Science Friction
Psychologist; Director, Quality of
Life Research Center, Claremont Graduate University; Author,
Economist; Managing Director of CyberLab Interactive
Productions GmbH (Burda Media Group
Computer Scientist; Personal Computer Visionary, Senior
Fellow, HP Labs
Psychologist & Computer Scientist; Author,
Designing World-Class E-Learning
Neuroscience Graduate Student, UCLA; Author,
The End of Faith
Physicist, UC Irvine; Author, Deep Time
Physicist, University of Pennsylvania; Author,
A Matter of Degrees
Astrophysicist, Institute of Advanced Study
Anthropologist, University of
Michigan; Author, In God's
We Trust
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Software: Concepts, Artwork & Interface Design; Byteburg
Research Lab above the Rhein River
Mathematician, Stanford University; Author,
The Millennium Problems
Neuroscientist, Stanford University, Author,
A Primate's Memoir
Physicist and Nobel laureate,
Princeton University
Physicist, Columbia University; Author, How The
Universe Got Its Spots
Psychologist, Harvard
University; Author, Wet
Physicist, former President, Weizmann Institute of
Cognitive Scientist, UC, Irvine; Author,
Visual Intelligence
Biologist, Schumacher College, Devon, UK; Author,
How The Leopard Changed Its Spots
Physicist; Institute of Cosmology, Tufts University
Albert Einstein Professor of Physics, Princeton
Physicist; Institut Universitaire de France & University of
the Mediterraneum; Author, Quantum Gravity
Psychologist; Author, Emotional Intelligence
Computational Neuroscientist, Howard Hughes Medical
Institute; Coauthor, The Computational Brain
Psychologist, Boston College; Author, Gifted
Cognitive Neuropsychology Researcher,
Institut National de la Santé, Paris; Author, The Number
Communications Expert;
Author, Smart Mobs
Writer; Author,
Machines Who Think
Media Analyst; Documentary
Writer; Author, Media Virus
Philosopher and Psychologist, New York University
Mathematician, Emeritus Professor, Dept of Philosophy,
University of Calgary;
Author, Gödel's Theorems
Physicist, Computer Scientist; Chairman, Applied Minds,
Inc.; Author, The Pattern on the Stone
Psychologist and Neuroscientist, University of Maryland;
Author, Laughter
Psychologist, Yale University; Author,
Descartes' Baby
University of Texas, Austin; Author,
The Evolution of Desire
Computer Scientist,
Brandeis University
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Psychologist, Emeritus Professor, Stanford
University; Author, Shyness
Editor-in-Chief, New Scientist
Editor of Release 1.0;
Trustee, Long Now Foundation; Author,
Release 2.0
Genomics Researcher;
Founder & President, J. Craig Venter Science Foundation
Psychologist, Autism
Research Centre, Cambridge University; Author,
The Essential Difference
Discover Magazine
Cosmologist, Cambridge
University; Author, The
Infinite Book
Neuroscience researcher; Coauthor, Up From Dragons
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; Author, Being No
Computer Scientist, MIT
Media Laboratory
Computer Scientist and Musician
Inventor and Technologist;
Author, The Age of
Spiritual Machines
Biologist, Santa Fe
Institute; Author,
Psychologist, University of
Research Scientist, MIT
School of Architecture and Planning; Author,
The Alex Studies
Computer scientist, IBM's T. J. Watson Research
Center; Author, Calculus and Pizza
Mathematical trader;
Author, Fooled By
Psychologist, Harvard University
Psychologist, Visiting Lecturer, University of
the West of England, Bristol; Author The Meme Machine
Physicist, Institute of Advanced Study, Author,
Disturbing the Universe
Psychologist, Harvard
Psychologist, University of Pennsylvania, Author,
Authentic Happiness
Physicist, Macquarie University, Sydney; Author,
How to Build a Time Machine
Psychologist, UC-Berkeley; Coauthor, The
Scientist In the Crib
Psychologist, Harvard University; Author,
The Blank Slate
Neuroscientist, New
York University; Author,
The Synaptic Self
Physicist, Case Western Reserve University; Author,
Psychologist, Harvard University:
Author, Wild Minds
Neurobiologist, University of
Washington; Author, A Brief History of the Mind
Philosopher, Tufts University
Author, Freedom Evolves
Psychologist, London School of
Economics; Author, The
Mind Made Flesh
Psychologist, Harvard University; Author,
Changing Minds
Physicist, Perimeter Institute; Author, Three Roads to
Quantum Gravity
Biologist, London; Author of The Presence of the
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