Spiritual Capacity
This aspect of
our personhood, though subjective and unquantifiable is, I feel,
very important for a rich and rewarding life. I believe that it
is true that people who scorn the spiritual or mystical can and
often do have rewarding lives. I also know that there are people
who put a premium into spiritual, religious or mystical events
have lives of misery, despair and even utter chaos.
I believe that the ability to enjoy the mystical providing of
course it does not hamper the rational aspects of reality is one
of the best gifts that we can indulge in.
Whether you believe in God, or a higher power in the Universe or
a higher self within each of us, or the beauty of creation, this
can be one of man's crowning achievements - as long as reason
and rational thinking is holding the reigns and not vice versa.
Mystical events or experiences - though often realistically
powerful are hard to quantify and prove - and not just to other
people, but to ourselves as well.
That is why I believe it is more important for individuals and
collectives of people worry first about how to attend to the
health and capacity of each of the other areas in our lives
which is necessary for our survival and effectiveness as an
individual and as a species.
For anyone that is interested in checking out some of the
insights I have experienced throughout my life you are welcome
and even encourage to check out the books that I have written
detailing these events. A list of these books are located on the
Home Page of this site.
What Capacities Should People
Move Heaven & Earth To Improve?
Physical Capacity
Mental Capacity
Emotional Capacity
Spiritual Capacity
Social & Political
Financial Capacity =
Robert Viale
The Rational Philosophy of Ayn Rand's